My name is Sofia Laska and I am a dance teacher and choreographer in Athens. From a young age I came in touch with dancing and later as a high school student I was initiated in the Latin American culture and mostly to her dances, due to a Brazilian classmate and a very good friend of mine.At the same time enchanted by the freedom these dances gave, I began the dancing lessons.

In 2010 I began to follow a professional programme, with purpose to be able to have the right to teach.

Due to this decision, I thought it was necessary to reapproach ballet in a professional level, because it constitutes the foundation of every dance.

Unable to be examined to enter a professional College in Greece (due to age limit, which I had overcome)  IDTA was the only choice for gaining a diploma for teaching ballet.

Within ten years I gained professional diplomas in different genre of dances from IDTA such as:Ballet, Theatre Craft, CMJ Contemporary Modern Jazz, International Latin, Streetdance, Freestyle and Argentine Tango.

Regarding my experience in teaching I have:

Taught dancing,organised,edited and presented performances and events at the cultural centre of municipality of Galatsi for many years / taught and organized events in primary schools /trained students for taking part in dance contests / trained and entered students in IDTA exams at  Theatre Branch.

In the context of educational activities, I have gained a broader academic preparation with classic studies and special education in «Greek course» and specialised in the ancient Greek language, the etymology as well as special presentations and lectures In the epics of Omiros and ancient Greek drama.